Look up.

Sometimes the very thing we're asking God for is already there. Sometimes provision is already available. Could it be that we've been missing it all this time because we expected it to look different? Ask God to open your eyes and show you. You need sight - the gift of seeing.

"When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. "Oh, sir, what will we do now?" the young man cried to Elisha. Don't be afraid Elisha!" Elisha told him. "For there are more on our side than on theirs!" Then Elisha prayed, "O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!" The Lord opened the young man's eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire."

2 Kings 6:15-17




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